California Karen Youth Summer Conference 2023

Images of Summer Conference Arrival – Day 1 Arrival, Registration and Orientation Day 2 – Conference Day One Moms who feed hungry youth for 4 summer days Day 1 Speakers Day 3 – Conference Day Two Day 3 – California Central Valley Outdoor Summer Heat Day 4 – The 10th Anniversary Program Recognition to theContinue reading “California Karen Youth Summer Conference 2023”

Thinking for posterity

California takes its name the Golden State from previous century gold discoveries. Happening before policies and procedures supported by science, those gold mining businesses have a toxic legacy of mercury contamination to future generations, who now have to deal with those heavy chemicals in their soil and water system.  In California, a culture of diversityContinue reading “Thinking for posterity”

Celebrating 2762 New Year of the Karen People

Out of 85 years of official Karen New Year celebration, 75 years have been celebrated under the dark cloud of the world longest civil war — that has be ongoing and escalating. The celebration itself is a symbol of resistance as well as part of the resistance, not to be ashamed of who we are but to uphold our identity by celebrating our roots.

Recognition of the Karen People’s Heritage in California

သးခုကညီနံၣ်ထီၣ်သီ 2022-12-22
Official Recognition of the Karen New Year in California Capital.
“WHEREAS, this historical New Year celebration in California reflects upon the Karen forebears who envisioned the Karen people to rise as a nation.”

A gentle fall in the Valley

While most of the country north experience freezing temperature and snow storms, Sacramento Valley in the far west still enjoys a mild weather of autumn and spring. In fact, most part of California coasts and valleys does not have a true winter like the rest of the country. It only has a long gentle fallContinue reading “A gentle fall in the Valley”

A Personal Career Advice

Introducing you to the future that is here today If you are searching for a field of study, I want to point you to a glowing one, AI, Artificial Intelligence. This random advice is personal and probably bias — is tailored to sons and daughters of Kawthoolei — so some discussions might not be relevantContinue reading “A Personal Career Advice”